Recent content by JeffM

  1. J

    Cut inside sidewall of passenger-side front tire

    I've seen outside passenger side, and in and outside drivers side, but never passenger inside. Any pictures?
  2. J

    Starting a 2013 Ram Sport without a key?

    Bit of an odd situation here on Wednesday, for the first time in 16 years of business we had a customer's vehicle stolen. :( Here's the kicker; it's a push button start with a dial shifter and both key fobs were accounted for. The dash had displayed "keyfob not detected" when it was parked...
  3. J

    Credit card system with Chip/Pin/Wave

    Both my Visa and Bank card have both. The pay wave is so incredibly efficient, I love just tapping my Visa and then be on my way!
  4. J

    Credit card system with Chip/Pin/Wave

    Just something to remember, interchange rates are typically higher on "tap" transactions due to the increased risk assumed by the card companies. With that said, it does reduce transaction time significantly and customers may be willing to spend more.
  5. J

    Raising Price

    Sure have. We went up $5 per single package, $20 on polishing, and $25 on a complete. The only complaints I have heard were that that we for forgot to update the website prices at the same time. We just had our best April for detailing revenue.
  6. J

    Self cleaning paint

    The problem with this hydrophobic coating, like any other, is that eventually, over time, it will become subject to stone chips, weakening the edges and causing it to wear off... It's great for this commercial, but not practical in long term theory. Just imagine the same car with patches of...
  7. J

    Which Tunnel Equipment?

    We have MacNeil at two of our locations and Belanger at the other. When set up properly, both give a great quality wash although the quick fires do require daily cleaning so that they move smoothly.
  8. J

    Hard Winter. Repairing Asphalt and/or concrete

    That is kinda where I am at... part of my issue I think is that the joints between the asphalt and our heated pad were never properly sealed and has allowed water to get under and cause heaving. Now I just need to wait a few months for the frost to come out of the ground (If it ever does this...
  9. J

    Hard Winter. Repairing Asphalt and/or concrete

    I have several areas which I need to patch this year. I spent $15,000 two years ago only to be let down after the promices of "you won't get heaving again here". This time I figure I should try something a little more cost-effective: Anyone...
  10. J

    Sideways Rollers

    dlc; could you provide us with the make/model and some pictures/video of your forks & drum? might help in the diagnosis.
  11. J

    Opinion's on free vac

    What timeframe are you hoping to get an additional 10k cars, monthly, quarterly, yearly? Free Vacs are like discounts. They will only attract the price shoppers. Your pricing should be set relative to your market conditions (# of other options for washing, average income, etc.) and should be...
  12. J

    product to get sap(?) off roof of car

    Commercially available bug and tar removar will be the safest option. Methyl hydrate will also work quite well (apply to cloth, never directly to paint) but if not done properly, can cause damage quickly. For the few extra $$ (and less time) it will cost, take it to a local detail shop and...
  13. J

    "keypad sticking" question

    I wasn't aware that was a "members only" benefit. Have always had the support there. In that case if there is a way to fix it then it might be worthwhile doing a DIY with pictures for it.
  14. J

    Bucket washers and dry brushers!!!

    On slow days your customer is technically stealing from you as well; you just choose not to say anything. Enforcing a policy all the time or not at all will create consistency which customers want. I full appreciate that a SS bay only generates revenue when occupied and the meter is running...
  15. J

    "keypad sticking" question

    7 years? It owes you nothing... lol. But in all seriousness, moving it to another key is the least expensive option untill you decide to replace it. DRB had an exchange program that will run you $595 +shipping for a keypad which is $1600 new. Very cost effective IMO. Depending on if this...