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Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
You got some proof for that? All I have seen is a vague partisan threat made by a Democrat on the Cuyahoga Co.(Ohio) board of elections. Its a citizens right to switch party alliegence anytime they choose in a primary election. If one feels that voting as a Democrat in the primary will give the electorate a better choice in the general election, where is the crime in that?:confused:

Elections workers will look for evidence that voters lied when they signed affidavits pledging allegiance to their new party. And at least one board member, Sandy McNair, a Democrat, wants the county prosecutor to review the findings.

But it remained unclear Wednesday whether the four-member board will agree to pursue prosecution. A 2-2 vote would mean that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, would have to break the tie.

The investigation comes 10 days after The Plain Dealer reported that more than 16,000 Cuyahoga County Republicans changed parties before voting March 4.

After the election, some local Republicans admitted they changed parties only to influence which Democrat would face presumed Republican nominee John McCain in November. One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new Democrat: "For one day only."
Such an admission amounts to voter fraud, said McNair, who pushed for the investigation.

"I'm looking for evidence," McNair said. "I'm not interested in a witch hunt. But I am interested in holding people accountable, whether they're Democrat or Republican."

Lying on the signed statement is a fifth-degree felony, punishable by six to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

And this was at the behist of Rush "is right" Linbaugh?

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
an interesting read and it include the Ohio statue also:


Posted on March 27, 2008
I am glad ronaldg brought this up again. I brought it up as a submission on 10 March but got little interest. The new interest shown here must be from Limbaugh getting even heat from Fox -what a surprise ! Fox has gotten heat for being obviously biased, so I guess they are making some baby steps into foreign territory. Here is what I said:Limbaugh is advocating what is in America called voter fraud. He is literally encouraging breaking American law (see below). Whoever violates the voter code is guilty of election falsification, a felony of the fifth degree. In Europe Limbaugh would be charged by a states attorney. Republicans are crossing over and registering as Democrats in Republican counties in order to get Clinton nominated because she is the weaker candidate against McCain. here is a typical statement on http://www.yappi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164148 :

Quote: I just got back. My first observation was that the polls were dead empty. My particular location has 3 precincts at one spot so I found that to be very unusual, even for a primary election. Next, I couldn't find my Ohio drivers license so I got hassled about that. I had a copy of my latest property tax bill in my car and that was sufficient, barely. Lastly, they had me sign the affirmation about switching parties and supporting the principles of the Democrat party. I said that would be easy, because they don't have any. Everybody got a good chuckle as there isn't a Democrat within 5 miles any direction from where I vote. I then proceeded to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Dirty as it felt at the time, I have a feeling I'll be rewarded in the long run.

This is clearly voter fraud and that is only one example found on internet.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
from prior link source.

Voter falsification is deadly to their own country and the ideals of what a vote means and what our ancestors have fought for.

45,000 in Pennsylvania have newly registered as Democrats. I am not sure what to think about that.

Butler County in southwest Ohio is the most Republican county of all Ohio's 88 counties. 26 county offices and none of them are held by Democrats. Yet, the strangest thing happened on Tuesday... the Butler County Democratic Party increased in registered members by over 200% and now has more registered members than the Republican Party. Hillary Clinton won this county in the Democratic Primary by 10% because of "former Republicans" voting for her.

The former republicans who voted in the Democratic primary in Ohio had to swear allegiance to Democratic ideals before voting. Whoever violates the voter code is guilty of election falsification, a felony of the fifth degree. A person that commits election falsification can face six to twelve months in prison as well as a $2,500 fine according to Ohio sentencing guidelines (Source: http://www.clelaw.lib.oh.us/Public/Misc/FAQs/Sentencing.html)


Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
cont from prior linked source:

The law in Ohio, the Ohio Revised Code, is very clear on what Republicans have done in Ohio.
ORC 3513.20 says:
Before any challenged person shall be allowed to vote at a primary election, the person shall make a statement, under penalty of election falsification, before one of the precinct officials, blanks for which shall be furnished by the board of elections, giving name, age, residence, length of residence in the precinct, county, and state; stating that the person desires to be affiliated with and supports the principles of the political party whose ballot the person desires to vote; and giving all other facts necessary to determine whether the person is entitled to vote in that primary election. The statement shall be returned to the office of the board with the poll books and tally sheets . . . . 3599.36 Election falsification reads: No person, either orally or in writing, on oath lawfully administered or in a statement made under penalty of election falsification, shall knowingly state a falsehood as to a material matter relating to an election in a proceeding before a court, tribunal, or election official, or in a matter in relation to which an oath or statement under penalty of election falsification is authorized by law, including a statement required for verifying or filing any declaration of candidacy, declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate, nominating petition, or other petition presented to or filed with the secretary of state, a board of elections, or any other public office for the purpose of becoming a candidate for any elective office, including the office of a political party, for the purpose of submitting a question or issue to the electors at an election, or for the purpose of forming a political party.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Rush has encouraged people by the tens of thousands to comit purgury, a fifth degree felony to swing an election (that is not of their party affiliation) so the Democratic canadate that McCain will face will stir up the base (the right wing Christian conservative who HATE HILLARY) instead of staying home and not voting this cycle because Obama is the Democratic nominee.

Rush has promoted criminal activity. It might not be illegal for him to say it (first ammendment rights) but for the suckers who did it, (Who said they did this on the post up stream?) it's election fraud.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Obama is scary and incompletent in government and business skills. I did change my registration and will vote for Hiliary not because she is easer to beat but because Obama and his circle are scary. And Doug, would it be posssible for you to comment on any subject without blasting our president. If others constantly had to introduce the shortcomings of the dems in comments on any subject you may be offended.


Ted.... you most likely commited election fraud as documented on the internet of your intent, and in your past post of not supporting the ideas of the Democratic party. Are you really that gullable to listen to Rush and comit a crime of election fraud? For years here you blasted me and Pat C for being "liberals" then switch at primary time to do just what Rush said.

I thought you were smarter... and you left tracks too... admission of guilt! Too bad you can't delete my quote of your post!

I'm just F with ya! But it was stupid! Turn that nut, dope addict OFF! Let us work out who WE WANT TO BE OUR NOMINEE! You had BUSH FOR 8 YEARS, give us a shot to beat McCain without phone jamming, long lines in black communities, purging voter registrations, dening felons re-instatments of voting rights (Florida 30,000) when other states do it automatically and redistricting. This is how Republican have kept control or won control.... not by "playing fair". So why not just play far?

Because you can't stop the turnout if Obama wins the nomination. Face it. The potential of having a black man in office scare you!


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2007
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When are you guys going to figure out that it is useless to engage Doug in a meaningful discussion? I quit long ago. It's like the old joke about wrestling with a pig: After a while you just end up real dirty, and you discover that the pig actually enjoys it. And finally, thanks to our government run schools, there are now enough brain dead people who will vote for Obaba thinking it's just another version of American Idol. I'm stocking up on ammo and awaiting the collapse.

Jimmy Buffett

Active member
Sep 4, 2007
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I just skip over his diatribes. McCain will beat either one of them like a red headed stepchild. Hillary is too unlikable and BHO wilts under pressure. Just in case though it is nice to live on a farm. At least we won't starve and you can pee in your yard.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
When are you guys going to figure out that it is useless to engage Doug in a meaningful discussion? I quit long ago. It's like the old joke about wrestling with a pig: After a while you just end up real dirty, and you discover that the pig actually enjoys it. And finally, thanks to our government run schools, there are now enough brain dead people who will vote for Obaba thinking it's just another version of American Idol. I'm stocking up on ammo and awaiting the collapse.
Well Mac, There's only one of you.... and Philly alone has 2.6 million people (when I lived there and it was 65% black) over 40,000 showed up 3 nights ago for an Obama rally. Blacks make up 12.6% of the US population (off the top of my head if my memory serves me correctly). I DON'T THINK YOU HAVE ENOUGH AMMO! LOL!

BTW.... latest poll from PA shows Obama likely to TAKE PA over Clinton which would require her to concede.

And the Constitution says nothing about brain dead people not being allowed to vote (as long as they have a valid address and voter registration card... and filled an absentee ballot of course)! That's a joke.... and for God sake Mac... I hope you are joking or you need help.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2007
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Doug, puleeeze, give me a break. I want the ammo to defend myself in case the country implodes. In no way was I meaning/intending to shoot blacks. YOU brought that aspect up, just as all good liberals keep changing the point.It's a shame that someone with your intelligence just wants to use it to upset people. Good day.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Mac, What collaspe? Your associating "voting for Obama" or him getting elected as the collapse of the US causing some kind of civil uprising or falling apart of America, requiring you to defend yourself.

A President is an Office, not mearly a man. I don't need to read that deep into you comment to see what you ment. Pardon me if I miss understood your intention. Maybe I'm a wrong.... I appoligize.


Active member
Nov 28, 2007
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"Face it. The potential of having a black man in office scare you![/QUOTE] From Doug

It's not the color of his skin Doug that's the problem, it's his Marxist liberal politics. You are an a-s-s! By the way Obama is as much white as he is black.

Libs want to make it about skin color or gender, but it comes down to what comes out of there mouths.

Hell, McCain is white and male and I'm not real fond of him, so what does that mean?

You sir have committed your own voter fraud in the past, when you voted for conservative republicans as a closet liberal.:confused:



Aug 31, 2007
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Based on what happened in PA yesterday it appears that the Dems are now becoming a little afraid of what Obama has to offer. Most seemed a little tired of the "Clinton act" as was indicated in some of the polls and voting in early primary states. Seems that the more they find out about Obama and his wife and their views and relationships with questionable characters the scarier the consequences become as far as getting elected. If Hillary can get Bill to behave himself and keep his mouth shut look for Hillary to capitalize on this and sway the super delegates to her side. Should make for an interesting Presidential campaign.

Jimmy Buffett

Active member
Sep 4, 2007
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I think the dems were so excited to find a black candidate who didn't SOUND like a nut that they neglected to check to see if he WAS a nut! Now they have 2 candidates who cannot win in November.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
"Face it. The potential of having a black man in office scare you!
From Doug

It's not the color of his skin Doug that's the problem, it's his Marxist liberal politics. You are an a-s-s! By the way Obama is as much white as he is black.

Libs want to make it about skin color or gender, but it comes down to what comes out of there mouths.

Hell, McCain is white and male and I'm not real fond of him, so what does that mean?

You sir have committed your own voter fraud in the past, when you voted for conservative republicans as a closet liberal.:confused:


1. Obama is as much white as black... even more white than black... he's related to 6 former US presidents.

2. The comment of color are dirived for Mac's statements of "education", "need ammo" and waiting for the county for fall apart... my "reading into" it as very plain as to what he meant and if I "misread" his intention I apoligized (A S S) so forgive me for EVER APOLIGIZING I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!

3. I never switched party affiliation in the primary to vote and POST IT ON A WEB SITE when I clearly had other opposing views. That's fraud. I was never confused..... just after 20+ years I got disillusioned with the lies and spending us into oblivion with bigger debt. Not a conservative thing to do. I always voted my party in the primary (and in every election until 2000 Presidential and 2004 I switched parities)... and never crossed the lines to swing the other camps canidate for my parties benifit.... that would be cheating! In every state you must hold up your right hand and take an oath when you file your voters registeration and "solemly swear"! That too is perjury even if it is not signed as an affidavid. I take my oath's seriously.

Unfortunatly Ted can't say the same.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Based on what happened in PA yesterday it appears that the Dems are now becoming a little afraid of what Obama has to offer. Most seemed a little tired of the "Clinton act" as was indicated in some of the polls and voting in early primary states. Seems that the more they find out about Obama and his wife and their views and relationships with questionable characters the scarier the consequences become as far as getting elected. If Hillary can get Bill to behave himself and keep his mouth shut look for Hillary to capitalize on this and sway the super delegates to her side. Should make for an interesting Presidential campaign.
Hill only gained 84 delagates in PA while Obama gained 74 delagates in PA. That's not enough of a led to amount to anything. Obama will thake NC (80% black) and has more delagate than Indiana. Hillary is running out of cash.


Aug 31, 2007
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The super delegates are going to make the decision for the Dems. If they are convinced that Obama has too much baggage they might give it to Clinton. I am not saying this will happen but it is not beyond the realm of possibilities. Either way, the in-fighting going on with the Dems is making it easy for McCain. By the time they are done ripping each other apart there won't be much left of either candidate.


Aug 31, 2007
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Hillary looks like the nominee at this point. The paternalistic Dems' super delegates - all delegates are equal, just some more equal than others - will likely tip it her way. What ever happens, the Dems are a lock in the Fall due to the registration numbers. MSM will try to make it seem interesting, but I am convinced McCain does not have a chance.