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Jimmy Buffett

Active member
Sep 4, 2007
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I caught bits and pieces of the debate last night. I was surprised at how poorly Obama did when he had to answer real questions. He's very good at giving flowing speeches about "change" and "hope" as long as he doesn't really have to say how he is going to do it. Luckily it looks like the dems are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again.
I don't usually pay that much attention in church either but I think after 20 years I would notice if my preacher was a bigot.


Aug 31, 2007
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I was surprised at how tough the questions were, especially from Stephanopolus. I don't think either one fared too well, especially on the questions about the war and the recession. A lot of promises but not much information on how they would pay for the extras.

I think Mr. Buffett said it well, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The Republicans are very vunerable and have a candidate that some of their own have a difficulty supporting. Right now the Dems have only promises rather than solutions to the issues. They need to do better to win in November.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
I don't see what a board member who was involed in a "terror organization" when Obama was 8 years old who also sits on the board with 9 other members beside Obama has anything to do with "important issues" facing the US right now. I never remember someone asking GW these things, as Joe Scarborough said the other morning on Moring Joe... "we might have found out how inept Bush was at running a business" in 2000. So if these questions weren't relevent in 2000 to Bush, why are they relevent now to Obama? Why didn't they pick George apart about "Robin Lohman", "Aramco" and other issues for 45 minutes in a national debate because it's selatious or sensational in 2000 or 2004? But past that... Obama sits on a board with this guy, Ok, bill Clinton PARDONED two of the actual bombers yet Hillary wasn't drilled will questions related to that! So there was some "disparity" in the relationship.

As far as religious wacko's go; Bush has had weekly White house meetings with people like Pat Robertson (who advocated the assination of State leaders), has close ties with reverened Sun Yun Moon (as Does Bill Clinton and a few other Presidents). Are we to take that there relationships for years with these "religious leaders" influance them to the point that we hold them to the same standard as your are holdiing Obama and Wright? People said simular things about JFK and the Pope in 1959 that the religious teaching of the Catholic church would influance the Presidency. Yet Bush GOT ELECTED ONLY BY the swing vote of 3% of the religious conservative base a base that McCain has yet to gather or gairner support from this time. So this race is not wrapped up for any canadate yet.


Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Obama will be targeted (like Bill's posting that "revelations say's the Anti-Christ will be Obama"), Obama is a Muslim, Iranian Clerics secreatly funding election campain, Obama isn't "black enough", Obama isn't "White enough", Obama want's more "black named Hurricans".... BS INTERNET CRAP! So is the "ELITIST" ****.

Same thing with Hillary. Sniper fire my A$$... She lost me on that one!

McCain Lost me when he didn't stand up to his own "ANTI-TOURTURE BILL" being desicrated with a signing statement.

RON PAUL doen't have a chance.

For now I'm leaning Obama.... he's not been entrench in DC politics like McCain, Hillary and the rest of them. He's been abale to bring out people to register to vote in huge numbers. His health care plan make the most sense. He was RIGHT on NOT VOTING FOR THE WAR (SO WAS RON PAUL... I THINK THE ONLY REPUBLICAN WHO VOTED AGAINT IT). He IS NOT A MUSLIM, He led prayer in State Senate for years in Il. He wants to REBUILD OUR INFRASTRUCTURE like we did during the "new deal". That make's sense.


Aug 31, 2007
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At the risk of turning this into one of those tirades by Doug I can't let his statement about Obama's relationship with the Rev Wright go without putting it in perspective. Obama sat in the pew and contributed money to the Rev Wright for 20 years - that is much more than a relationship that is a commitment. There is no way during that time that Rev Wright's "views" were not made perfectly clear. It is very disturbing that Obama either sat there and listened without realizing what the "message" was and did nothing or was not intelligent enough to realize what was being said. Both scenarios are troubling. Anyone that believes Rev Wright's anti-American, racist views does not deserve to become our nation's leader. This fact will not go away nor should it.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
So tell me how do you feel about Rev. Moon?

Rev Wright happened to have fought for this nation as a US Marine. He has some right to speak out in a "free Society". I'm not defending what or how he said it, but he DID SERVE when others (Cheney, Wolfawitz, Rove) did not. The "message" that he delived was not ment for your or me, it was to people in those pews who have a life different from ours, a view and perspective that we do not & have experanced, it is not for me to judge that message. The entire clip is available, not only the few seconds condensed into a small news media snip that seems inflamatory if you are onpen enough to veiw it to see the entirety of the presentation. Obama has distanced himself from this man. Yet the Pope yesterday met a small group of former sexually abused catholics.... had a Presidental canidate attendend this Preist Church would you associate him as a Pedodophile, He contributed to the Preist Church even if Cardnal Law did abuse kids for 30+ years?

RPH, I disagreed with many things over the years that I have heard from Preist, televangilist and thelogians, I guess I'm still a bad person and unelectable. Good thing I didn't move to Jonestown with that carasmatic city councilman from Sanfrancisco!


Aug 31, 2007
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Doug, you are truly unbelieveable. I should have known better than to present a plausible argument to someone who cannot seem to comprehend what a person is trying to say and avoids reality. Sorry, I won't live in your world. I hope I have finally learned my lesson.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
No RPH, YOU want to pin (along with others) the guilt and shame of Wright's words and actions on OBAMA. "He should have left", "He should have walked out"... we only hear compressed clips of Wrights rants and what we do hear fall on us who have little understanding of what is is like to be from that side, that life. I can't judge that, I'm sorry, like you can't understand how it feels to be "gay", or a "woman" or "black" or an "abused child".... much of his sermons were meant for a people in a way that they could relate to in life. Was it inflamatory... yes to me and to you it was. Did any member of that Church run out and fly planes into buildings or kill anyone? How about did any members of that Church Bomb any ABORTION CLINICS, KILL any Doctors or Nurses, Bomb the Omplympics or hide any fellons for years who were fleeing the police (like other Churches and Church groups did)?

You might not like my presentation of the argument, but none of his sermon caused any action other than stired those people souls and minds. But I'm sure it will continue to be an issue in this campaign.

ted mcmeekin

Fast and Clean
Aug 30, 2007
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Obama is scary and incompletent in government and business skills. I did change my registration and will vote for Hiliary not because she is easer to beat but because Obama and his circle are scary. And Doug, would it be posssible for you to comment on any subject without blasting our president. If others constantly had to introduce the shortcomings of the dems in comments on any subject you may be offended.


Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida

watch the youtube for Rev Wright Entire sermon IN CONTEXT! Then you decide what "HE" said VS what he was telling of a story of the American Ambassador's interview on Fox New's "The Chicken's have come Home to roost".

And BTW. Rush Linbaugh's suggestion to change voter registration is being investigated as FRAUD on a massive scale so I would be careful and besure that when you vote that this is being done as a mater conscious not as deception.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Ted, This is about a "Presidential DEBATE" or which someone will become PRESIDENT! So it's ok to BLAST THEM BEFORE they become PRESIDENT.... BUT NOT AFTER... especially after they are at the lowest ranking 30% (second to Nixion) of any US President and considered by over 80% or US historians polled to be a "failure".

I made a comparison in my first post to what Joe Scarborough said on his show dirrectly on Thursday Morning about not asking Bush these type of question about his failures in his personal life and his businesses.... not his failures in his Presidency. It was dirrectly related to HIS ELECTION not his Presidency.


Aug 31, 2007
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Doug, I respect your success in the industry as an operator. I was hoping to meet you at the recent Forum party in Orlando.

As far as your politics you make a perfect liberal democrat and I can understand your support of Obama. You fail to answer a question directly and throw out all kinds of irrelevant facts and arguments in great volume that have little or no relevance to the original question . When that doesn't fly you create several explanations in hopes that one sticks. Sounds almost like an Obama clone.

I find it very difficult to believe that you once were a conservative or Republican as you have said in the past.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Doug, I respect your success in the industry as an operator. I was hoping to meet you at the recent Forum party in Orlando.

As far as your politics you make a perfect liberal democrat and I can understand your support of Obama. You fail to answer a question directly and throw out all kinds of irrelevant facts and arguments in great volume that have little or no relevance to the original question . When that doesn't fly you create several explanations in hopes that one sticks. Sounds almost like an Obama clone.

I find it very difficult to believe that you once were a conservative or Republican as you have said in the past.
Well, I would love to have made the party... I worked over 190 hours of call alone and 90 hours last pay period... most nights I didn't get home until 8:30PM and back again at 6AM. Bad week. This is our busiest time in the Cath lab and car washes in this area are down by 20-30% so I can't spare the cash. I got 3 kids to send to summer camps!


Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
The point sticks! The Boston Globe has an editorial today about just that point, Bush, Regan and others were not judged on the same issues or asked about Bob Jones. Watch the video before you hang Rev Wright as an Albatros around Obama's neck. However Obama is not my first choice... never was. We most likely will never agree on politics, religion or sex and why all three are usually good and well advised to stay clear in any discussion. I love to debate, I love to PROVOKE THOUGHT in some way... even if it makes people think less of me... I don't care. What is right on principle... then I feel I must stand on, I will speak out. For example... it's wrong to lie and spread lies that Obama is a Muslim... even if I don't support him. In my post for over 8 moths I posted that I supported RON PAUL (look back and check it out if you want). I wish he would be the Republican nominee a more "traditional" republican. I voted Regan, Bush 41, Big ear Texas Ross Perot, and in the 2000 primary John McCain. I voted almost straight ticket republican in every local election up to the past 4-5 years. So whatever you want to believe.... have at it.

Objectivity. For the record or for information: My wife's uncle is a Super Delagate, former Maine Governer, Former Ambassador to Canada, Former DNC chairman. He's casting his vote to Hillary.

Jimmy Buffett

Active member
Sep 4, 2007
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Until the debate I thought Obama would make the stronger candidate for the dems but he really is not very good unless he has a scripted speech in front of him. I admit that he is very effective then, even though he never really says anything.
I have the audacity to hope that most voters will do a better job of thinking this decision through than Doug.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
We will see. Last night in Philly an estimated 40-60,000 people turned out at Independance hall to see him. Again... give me Ron Paul as the Republican canidate and I'll vote for him over Obama! But for now, Obama is up over Hillarly in the National polls and the DNC is getting impatient and wants the super delagates to begin to make up their minds. It's going to be Obama & McCain as the nominees.

Most people have had 8 years of Bush and are looking for a change. OIbama has registered more voters than anyone in a "get out in vote" drive. This is going to be very hard to beat by the numbers. If the religious conservatives do not get behind McCain soon, the split in the country along party lines will not give the republicans enough of an avantage to win. A News Week poll of registered voters from yesterday shows that both Obama or Clinton beat McCain by 4% over the MOE of +/-3 at this time.

see below post for poll.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida

The survey of 1,209 registered voters found that Obama now leads Clinton by nearly 20 points, or 54 percent to 35 percent, among registered Democrats and those who lean Democratic nationwide. The previous Newsweek poll, conducted in March after Clinton's big primary wins in Ohio and Texas, showed the two Democrats locked in a statistical tie (45 percent for Obama to 44 percent for Clinton). The new poll puts Obama ahead among women as well as men, and voters aged 60 and older as well as younger voters. (For the complete poll data, click here).

Among all registered voters, including Republicans, she did about as well as Obama against McCain. Obama bests McCain by 4 points (48 percent to 44 percent), and Clinton also wins by 4 points (47 to 43 percent). Neither lead is considered statistically significant. However, in a race against McCain, Obama gets more independent support than Clinton does. Another positive sign for Clinton is that nearly half (46 percent) of Democratic voters don't think the superdelegates should adhere to the overall results of the primaries and caucuses but should support whichever candidate they feel is best qualified.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
Until the debate I thought Obama would make the stronger candidate for the dems but he really is not very good unless he has a scripted speech in front of him. I admit that he is very effective then, even though he never really says anything.
I have the audacity to hope that most voters will do a better job of thinking this decision through than Doug.
So you read his book?

I have the hope that more people think that continuing this war under McCain as President is a worse choice!


Fullservice Tunnel
Sep 3, 2007
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Canton, Ohio

And BTW. Rush Linbaugh's suggestion to change voter registration is being investigated as FRAUD on a massive scale so I would be careful and besure that when you vote that this is being done as a mater conscious not as deception.
You got some proof for that? All I have seen is a vague partisan threat made by a Democrat on the Cuyahoga Co.(Ohio) board of elections. Its a citizens right to switch party alliegence anytime they choose in a primary election. If one feels that voting as a Democrat in the primary will give the electorate a better choice in the general election, where is the crime in that?:confused: