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Comments regarding this carwashing "guru"?


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Feb 6, 2009
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Saint Paul, MN
@easywash, I too have always looking for new ways to market in the car wash business - especially since traditional marketing is becoming less effective as time goes on.

I've been working with the folks at the ICA, and the regional associations putting together educational seminars, boot camps, and working with the coordinators to provide valuable (non promotional) information for wash operators for over 7 years now. I've heard a LOT, seen a LOT, and read even more every day about how to improve a business in 2009.

You know why this whole marketing thing just might work? Because the status quo for a lot of operators just isn't working anymore. What all the research points to is that consumers have changed and the carwash business has not... SURE we have new ways of washing cars, more efficient technology, and even nifty wiz-bang computers running the behind the scenes. The washing technology changes, soap color changes, and the ways in which a carwash is run changes - and you know what? Consumers don't care. The way our businesses are run may have changed, but the way most car washes that I deal with every day don't change how they market- it's business as usual just like the year before, and the year before that. So the carwash operator in me always hopes somebody else has a fresh new idea or at least the foundation for doing something extraordinary.


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Feb 6, 2009
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Saint Paul, MN
Every time I get one of these "marketing secrets" emails or visit a site like this my defenses go up-uP-UP and red flags go off - "what the hell does this guy know that I don't?", "why haven't we all read about this guy making a million bucks overnight", "how many car washes does he have, because if he has all of the answers...." (you get the idea).

As a carwash operator I think we secretly hope that these guys have the answers but know all too well that it's more than likely a guy trying to do a get-rich-quick scam, right? As 'easywash' said, if $200 bucks buys you something that seriously works it can make that money back, small investment actually at that point right?. I think thats totally true.

At the end of the day, how many of us have the time to read every marketing editorial, every autocareforum post on marketing, and subscribe to the newsletter for the 101,204 marketing websites on the internet?

As for my first visit to the "Guru's website" I saw the one thing that I always look for - "no-questions money back guarantee". You just have to take the leap of faith that everything is legit, right? That the money doesn't go to Nigeria, you know- the place with all of the bank accounts that need your help to transfer funds and REALLY rich guys with business deals that just need your help by sending them a few thousand dollars.

Since the first thing the site asked for was just my name and email address to sign up for a cheesy sounding "Power Marketing Mini Course" I took the plunge - I have a good spam filter if it turned out to be an email aggregator for spam-bots. So after all of these things going through my head I finally was able to relax a bit and hope for the best. Because if marketing successfully was easy, wouldn't everybody be doing it?


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Feb 6, 2009
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Saint Paul, MN
... fast forward several months.

I've actually had the opportunity to get to know Travis Walker ("guru" as he's being called here).

When I first started talking to him about his 'marketing plan' I found it incredibly refreshing to learn that he doesn't claim to have the "inside track" on a singular one-size-fits-all magic pill that only he can provide. It's really a tough thing to swallow that one guy has all of the answers right? But what Travis had started to do was bring together a team of industry educators and car wash veterans to amass the experiences, success stories, and knowledge of multiple people into a single set of course work - coupled with his big successes outside of the car washing industry. He was once a carwash operators and wished he knew a fraction of what he does today about marketing to customers of 2009, why not find a way to make it work? I say if a guy has something that will work - provides a good service - and people get what they were expecting - no reason somebody doesn't get paid for it. Heck, we go to doctors and chiropractors right? (specialized skill set, lots of training, hopefully has real-world experience - looks at a problem with a fresh pair of eyes).

So how the heck do I know so much about this "guru" guy now? Well, long story short Travis followed my email domain to my carwash marketing blog and eventually after months of conversations convinced me what he and his team had their act together. They knew I was in carwash education, family is in car washing, and after reading my website recognized new fresh ideas on marketing for the carwash industry. So, cautiously I started pitching in with my knowledge, experiences, success stories, marketing strategies, and now act as a content consultant. I review the coursework that Travis and his team put out, check it for accuracy and made edits and additions where needed.

Patrick H. Crowe

Mr. Carlson:

I read your three postings. Here is my reply to the first one.

You tell us that for seven years how much you have done with the ICA and how much you have read about car washing.

First, I'll note our experiences with the ICA are different. When my Car Wash Appraisal Handbook first came out I was invited to speak there.

By then I was a widely published author, had done book tours, had hundreds of thousands oF words in print.

The ICA agreed to let me enter without charge and to pay for ONE night's lodging.

Next they agreed to place my book in their "store" at the convention. However the discount they demanded meant that I'd be selling each book at a loss. When I declined they made it clear I was not to be selling books on my own. Obviously these folks had almost no idea of why authors speak. Always they are allowed to sell their books, autograph them.

This group tried to get me to buy my own airline ticket. They gave me a totally inadequate budget. I refused. They then spent over $500 for my ticket which was about double the prevailing rate. Now the absolute corker.

They told me they were going to sell transcripts of my presentation. Wait a minute. What's my royalty. Never got an anwer.

In short I find your claim in support of the ICA to be ironic. I've spoken at many conventions, educational (my first three book were in that field) as well as car washing. Never have I been so poorly and rudely treated as by the ICA. Compare them to the HCA and you'll see what I mean.

The second part of your first posting is very telling. You hope for new ideas? Did you study the OPRAH for president car wash promotion by reading my 5th book? Did you read the Car Wash Appraisal Handbook? What's your opinion of any of the 30 Self-service Car Wash Technical Bulletins? Please kind sir, cut the hype, give us facts, PLEASE!

Patrick H. Crowe, www.carwashappraisal.com


New member
Feb 6, 2009
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Saint Paul, MN
@All - sorry, not attempting to thread-jack this topic with OT discussion.

@Patrick - would have replied off list but I'm not allowed to PM yet and your email option is disabled.

Just ordered all 30 of your bulletins - looking forward to reading them! You certainly seem to have a lot of material to cover from your years of experience. Sorry your experience with the ICA education was poor (to say the least) - everybody deserves to make a living.

Two quick items, please contact me off list (ryan(at)washideas(dot)com -

1) Do offer them in a PDF format? I'd pay extra to be able to put them on my e-reader if possible.

2) Your website does not render properly on Firefox or Safari (Mac), may want to have your web people look into that.


Patrick H. Crowe

Mr. Carlson:

Thank you for ordering my 30 Self-service Car Wash Technical Bulletins. Please let me know your opinion of them. They'll be taken to the USPS on Monday. Because of the weight and using Priority Mail, the Bulletins must be handed to a postal employee. Thus I can't get them on the way until the post office is open.

I am currently looking into putting them and my Car Wash Appraisal Handbook, on a disc. I'm told that I can reduce printing & amiling costs by putting the information on a disc. As soon as I get the deed done you will get a disc at no charge, as a token thank you for the suggestion.

My expectations of the ICA MAY have been high but they had a solid basis. Here it is. My first book was How To Teach School & Make a Living At the Same Time. List that as a presentation at any educational conference and LOOK OUT! These folks KNOW that's of far more interest to them than a careful explanation of new reading skills. Moreover I actually passed out money - - 20 envelopes, each with a $5 bill in it - - to warm the audience up (yes, I'm a ham, a promoter). To get an envelope a person had to relate to one of my three word descriptions of myself (my self-introduction). Example: Drinler, smoker, lover. At one conference I gave both a morning and afternoon presentation. The afternoon one was SRO. As word spread my treatment became lavish- - - so the teachers spoiled me for the ICA

Here's one of my promotional efforts. The Catholic church is 2 blocks from one of my washes. I got a call from the man in charge of their youth ministry. Could I help? I sent him 100 packets of dollar tokens, ten per packet and a check for $100. I'm fond of leadership training. That Sunday the priest announded at the end of Mass that the kids were selling these in the back of the church. I'd just been endorsed by "God". Complete sell out.

More later,

Patrick H. Crowe, www.carwashappraisal.com