Debra Gorgos
Active member
If I were given $10,000 and were told I had to spend it on myself self serve, I would ____________________ (fill in the blank)
Mel(Nc) good comment I get and understand what you mean from a return on your investment because everything is so expensive $4-$5K for a combo vac!....ouch! This is why I am always looking for good used equipment, even if I have to rebuild it. I spent a day traveling to pick-up some combo vacs that I got for a great price. Yeah I had to spend 3 to 400 in them to get them up and running but it beats $4-$5K for a new one. In that package I picked up an air shamee so that's next on the rebuild and install list.To me, the question should be "where can I spend $10,000 and get the best ROI?". I struggle with this. My car wash is clean , well maintained, takes credit cards, but does not have all the bells and whistles. I would like to upgrade my booms, add dryers, tire shine, etc. but I can't convince myself I would see a return on the investment.