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Unitec Wash Select Batching Issues


Self-Serve and Automatics
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Does anyone else have issues with their WSII not batching occasionally. Our WS’s are dial up and batch at 11pm. We have the machine times offset by 30 minutes so they don’t conflict as they share a phone line. Each machine failed to batch on different nights resulting in declined cards (network L) the following day until we close the batch. After watching our video, on both occasions a customer happened to pull in and swipe a card in the machine that didn’t batch right at the time they’re programmed to batch.

Are the machines not set up to try to close the batch again? This is a busy site and often times we still have a line at 10-11 pm. I’m thinking of setting the machine clocks 3 hours slow so they batch at 2am. What is everyone else doing?


Jan 31, 2019
Reaction score
Canton, OH
Does anyone else have issues with their WSII not batching occasionally. Our WS’s are dial up and batch at 11pm. We have the machine times offset by 30 minutes so they don’t conflict as they share a phone line. Each machine failed to batch on different nights resulting in declined cards (network L) the following day until we close the batch. After watching our video, on both occasions a customer happened to pull in and swipe a card in the machine that didn’t batch right at the time they’re programmed to batch.

Are the machines not set up to try to close the batch again? This is a busy site and often times we still have a line at 10-11 pm. I’m thinking of setting the machine clocks 3 hours slow so they batch at 2am. What is everyone else doing?
I would recommend you contact your distributor or schedule an appointment with Unitec's technical support at https://live.vcita.com/site/StartwithUnitec


Self-Serve and Automatics
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Update. The problem got progressively worse over the past week. So bad that I had to get up extra early to check my merchant account and see if the machines batched. When they didn't I was going in to pull the modems and batch them manually with my laptop.

First call to the phone company resulted in them rebooting the phone modem (VOIP line) and running a bunch of on-line tests that of course came back trouble free. Second call yielded no issues from remote tests but got a tech dispatched. The tech was able to detect a few packet losses at the pole which resulted in them tracking down a connection problem or something downstream. It's only been one night, but both machines batched which is the first time in a week that has happened.

I only updated this post because I want people to know that they may have phone issues even if its not apparent. The phone line sounded solid on a hand set at all of my phone jacks. I could make and receive calls and the person on the other end sounded clear and could hear everything I said. My Laser4000 controllers never had any issue getting through with pager codes either. Old school modems like I'm using in the WashSelects are much more susceptible to noise or poor connection quality. If anyone else has an issue like I did, hopefully they won't wait as long as I did to get the phone company out.


Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Chaffee, MO
Unitec recommends only a plain old telephone line for dial up. We fought a VOIP line for dialup for a year or so before we gave up and installed a traditional line. Problems went away. On another note, if this is even a remotely successful site you should go ahead and upgrade to high speed processing. Unitec has basically said they arent supporting dial up moving forward.


Self-Serve and Automatics
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Unitec recommends only a plain old telephone line for dial up. We fought a VOIP line for dialup for a year or so before we gave up and installed a traditional line. Problems went away. On another note, if this is even a remotely successful site you should go ahead and upgrade to high speed processing. Unitec has basically said they arent supporting dial up moving forward.

If this proves to be an on going problem I can always go back to a POTS line. The reason I got away from a POTS line was the cost, but mainly because when it would go down AT&T's repair service was horrific! It was almost exactly a year ago they left me with NO phone for 3 or 4 days which was the straw that broke the camels back.

As for the high speed processing, I have considered it. Although, to me its cost prohibitive. I would have no problem spending the three or four thousand dollars for the hardware, it's the on going costs that keep me from doing it. Right now with dial-up processing through TSYS I am paying 2.7% all in. Switching processors is going to cost me 1.1% to 1.3% more which is a significant amount of money every year for really no gain. I'm going to hang on to dial-up as long as possible.