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Shurvend error


Ghetto Wash

Active member
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score

Every time I stock my vendor I check and clear any errors. I am getting one almost everytime I look. It reads "Changer Sensor"

I check the vendor for operation and everything is fine so I haven't done anything about it, but am concerned that it is malfunctioning when I'm not there and signaling this error.

Would this be as simple as removing the changer and cleaning the coin path?

It is a Conlux 5 changer.

Also, on another thread vending volume was being discussed. I checked today and for 18 months I have 7769 vends and $8375 in sales. $1.07 average and $465 a month. This amounts to about 5% of my location sales volume. I was hoping for 10% but the 5% that I am getting is twice what my drop shelf vendors were doing.

Overall I am happy with my purchase and if I were to purchase another vendor it would be a Shurvend even with the lower than hoped for results.

Uncle Sam

Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ghetto Wash,

I checked with the AMS customer service people about the "Changer Sensor" error message. The changer is sending the error message to the control board indicating that the coin sensor or one of the tube sensors is not acting right. If you clean the coin path in the changer with a Q-tip and alcohol, that might eliminate the error message. If the error is generated by one of the coin tube sensors, then sometime in the future the changer will have to sent in and serviced. As long as the changer is working OK, I wouldn't worry about the error.

The numbers you have made over the past 18 months are pretty good and the avg vend price over a dollar is good. Sorry the vendor did not get up to your expectations, but every wash is different when it comes to vending sales. No two washes ever seem to have the same product mix that sells. You just have to get rid of the slower moving items, replace with higher priced items if you can sell them, and keep trying something new.

The location of the vendor on the wash site is very important; installing it in or near the vacuums is all important for high sales volume. People just will not walk very far to buy a vending item; when the impulse to buy is there, it has to be easy to buy with no effort. There are still those operators who insist that the vending operation has to be by the bill changer or in front of the wash for security. Those ideas should be long gone, but new washes are still being built with that philosophy. The newer way is slowly being adopted, but it is a struggle. With video cameras in use these days security is very good with the cages/masks we now use. Installing a ShurVend out in the vacuum area, even if the vacs are out in the back of the wash, should pose no security problems.

Hopefully your vending sales will continue to grow and some day reach your expectations.

Uncle Sam :)

Ghetto Wash

Active member
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply. I'll clean the changer and see if the error reappears. As it seems that everything continues to operate normally, I will ignore it if it comes back.