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Mini-Vending Kit For 2 oz Bottles, Tic Tacs

Uncle Sam

Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
We have a new Mini-Vending Kit that can be installed in new vendors or retrofit into our older vendors. I see in the catalogs that Car Freshener is packaging small 2 oz pump sprays that get lost in the fragrance tree columns that we would normally put them into. This new product will make this small pump not only look better in the vendor but vend better.

It also allows an operator to vend these new small 2 oz bottles of "5 hour energy" and packs of Tic Tacs to your car wash customers. This "5 hour energy" bottle is supposed to be healthier than Red Bull, etc. and packs only 4 calories. The information given to me is that these can be purchased at Costco or WalMart for $1.70 or so in 6-packs and sold to the wash customer for about $3 a pop.

To install these in a candy column of the vendor, you remove the existing candy helix, clip the dispenser into existing slots in the tray bottom, pop in a new helix, change the price on the column, and you are in business. I don't use any of these energy drinks, but I hear that many people do. The price of this Kit is $12.95 for the "V" shaped dispenser and small helix

This is the latest in a series of new innovations that can increase the average price of vended products and keep your customer happy. Give us a call for more information.

Uncle Sam :)


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