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  1. friesmaniac99

    Hanna Wash Systems Super Bowl Commerical.

    Found the old 1989 commercial Hanna produced for the super bowl in this video. It starts at 17:24. Enjoy!
  2. friesmaniac99

    Happy 45 Year Anniversary Ryko!

    You've always been and always will keep innovating for the industry!
  3. friesmaniac99

    What is the average startup cost for a car wash?

    Particularly how much would it cost if I bought one Washworld Profile And A razor edge with three self serve bays. Just need this info so when I get older I know what to expect how much it will cost. Thanks!
  4. friesmaniac99

    Does anyone here have a copy of the Ryko R7B factory video

    I've been trying hard to find one with no luck. If you have one please reply and if possible a copy of the video. Thanks.
  5. friesmaniac99

    If you could bring back a bankrupt car wash manufacturer. which one?

    So just think of any company that has gone out of business which would you bring back and why?