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  1. J

    Dangers of "Positive Thinking"

    As I reflect on the changing nature of the car wash business and even this forum, I remember some of the comments that were made when I and a few other posters were accused of "talking us into a recession" and in general being a "wet blanket". Here's an interesting link from a Newsweek Magazine...
  2. J

    Anybody have KVAr billing for electricity?

    I have just learned that coming in January, my electricity supplier will implement a new type of billing. Currently I purchases Kwh with a 1/2hour loadmeter. The new meters will read KVAr (that is supposedly the correct way to spell it) as well as demand. The new meters will be able to determine...
  3. J

    New Armor-All Sponge Paks

    Ok, my business has been really slow and I tend to buy in large quatities to try and save on shipping. So, I guess I have been out of the loop on the new Armor-All sponge packs. I wondered how Kleenrite was keeping the price the same when almost everything else I ordered from them was up about...
  4. J

    Private Message - Spam

    Hey Bill, why am I getting a "private message" from Jeannette about Buddhism? Here is an excerpted portion of the message: Quote: Hi, I'm new here, how's it going? "Buddhism has the characteristics ..... Unquote --- Jeannette http://jeannette.######### What is the point of this? What does...