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Older Vendors Subject to Vandalism--Consider Retrofiting with a Stainless Mask

Uncle Sam

Sep 2, 2007
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We are getting calls about vandalism and attempted break-ins from some of our customers who have vendors that are 7-10 years old and didn't buy a cage or other security for their vendor. Back then we did not have security measures like we do now and in some areas of the south it did not really seem necessary. Unfortunately times have changed and we are getting calls now about doors being torn up to get to the bill validator and coin changer.

If you purchased a vendor from us that long ago and haven't been "hit" yet, you are very fortunate. But the odds are, in this day and age, that you will get hit sometime in the near future. We do have retrofit kits to install a mask over the control panel of the vendor where the bill validator, selection buttons, and coin changer are installed.

If you would like to discuss improving the security on one of these older vendors, please email or give us a call to see what we can do for you. The cost of these retrofits is considerably less that having to replace the whole door on a damaged vendor after the fact.

Uncle Sam :)