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LED Chasing Lights Retrofit Kits--Version IV

Uncle Sam

Sep 2, 2007
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We have been tinkering with different brands and sizes of these lights to find out what is the best way to do this for a long lasting and trouble free installation at a reasonable price.

The original 1/2-inch diameter red, white and blue chasing lights were incandescent bulbs (as we later found out) rather than LEDs. These incandescent ropes got hot to the touch, could not run 24 hours a day without a very shortened life span, the plastic track they were mounted in came loose from the fixture due to the heat, and the track discolored badly over time. There is also the question of these lights being too busy or distracting and maybe not conforming to some of the city regulations that are imposed. So they have been abandoned.

What we have settled on is an amber colored LED rope light that has 8 different selections of chasing light sequences that the operator can choose to use. LEds do not get hot when energized, use very little power, and will last 100,000 hours (10+ years). We chose amber for the first test because it is easily seen, but is not distracting when it does some blinking and chasing in the fixtures. Blue, green, white, and some other colors are available with some colors being more expensive. These ropes are powered from a standard 120-volt plug and can be cut in 30-inch increments to fit most any application.

We are now putting together an LED chasing light kit that will include all the hardware, light fixtures, LED contoller, rope light, lexan lenses, and instructions about how to put all this together. These retrofit kits will be available for the security cages and the small, Junior vendors that are all ready installed in the wash. They will also be an option offered on all new security cages and on the small, Junior RL & FL vendors.

Pricing will be available soon, so stay tuned to the ShurVend Users Group.

Uncle Sam :)