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  1. friesmaniac99

    Hanna Wash Systems Super Bowl Commerical.

    Found the old 1989 commercial Hanna produced for the super bowl in this video. It starts at 17:24. Enjoy!
  2. friesmaniac99

    Happy 45 Year Anniversary Ryko!

    You've always been and always will keep innovating for the industry!
  3. friesmaniac99


    For some memories.
  4. friesmaniac99

    Best Floor Switch?

    $3000 dollars for changing it to virtual treadle, what a rip off. I mean I guess in some ways floor treadles can be better but I’m a pretty big fan of virtual treadles. Most car washes near me use treadles. We have a Ryko XS 2 with the 2 floor treadles and those things are so slippery and they...
  5. friesmaniac99

    Best Floor Switch?

    I feel that virtual plates are better than floor switches. For one they don't get crap underneath them and cause problems. And it's a lot better and easier for the customer.
  6. friesmaniac99

    I think you all will like this video I posted yesterday.

    I actually did ask them for if they had the R7B video but I don’t think they do. It’s a very rare video and I don’t know who has it.
  7. friesmaniac99

    I think you all will like this video I posted yesterday.

    I actually just messaged Ryko on facebook and they had a VHS tape of it. So then they shipped it to me.
  8. friesmaniac99

    New Menu Wordage

    Not a big fan of the add on's. The top should at least come with Rain-X.
  9. friesmaniac99

    Coming soon from WashWorld...........

    I already know. It's gonna be a hybrid machine with EDGE. At least I think it will.
  10. friesmaniac99


    Most people around me don't really make their prices very high. The gas station near me has a LW4000 with the top being $10. One gas station has a very old Mark VII Merchandiser MVP which only costs $6 dollars, the system though is crap. Ripped panels and there are literally no chemicals at all...
  11. friesmaniac99

    Anyone buy X-Stream Touchless wash?

    I believe they are still around. This is their website.
  12. friesmaniac99

    Damaged wash

    That’s understandable. Have you had any luck in getting ahold of Washworld? Hope you get it back up and running soon!
  13. friesmaniac99

    Lost Vac Keys

    Good for you! Glad they were able to catch them. You might wanna considering installing an alarm at the door so people will be less willing to rob the wash!
  14. friesmaniac99

    Lost Vac Keys

    I found a website with american locks for the car wash market. Hope this helps!
  15. friesmaniac99

    Lost Vac Keys

    You might need to call a locksmith if you don't have the key numbers. You could try to contact the manufacturer of the vacuums and see if they somehow have it.
  16. friesmaniac99

    Damaged wash

    Quite a ridiculous thing that they damaged your Razor! Definitely get a hold of your insurance company. Also could you maybe share the video?
  17. friesmaniac99

    Pet Peeve: Never getting to relax

    You could hire another person to oversee the self serve and keep it up and running. Or you could get software to remotely manage your wash. Just depends.
  18. friesmaniac99

    Replacing IBA

    What IBA's are currently in the super wash location? I'm assuming some old southern pride or hydrospray.