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  1. B

    Beacon Mobile

    No, we have cryptopay on all vacs. Wanting to switch because beacon mobile offers alot more for alot less. For my six sites im currently paying about $1,800 a month and climbing after all the fees. Beacon is will be $650 fixed cost.
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    Beacon Mobile

    Using Hamiltion Gold lines. Beacon Mobile works with automatics, ss bays and vacs. Wiring up automatic tellers and ss bays is no problem. The problem is there is no way to run wires out to the vacs. Dident know if any one had any input. Looking in to some kind of RF relays.
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    Beacon Mobile

    Hi, Anyone here using Beacon mobile? Im considering switching from everwash and im trying to figure out a way to activate my vacuums.
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    I have 2 typhoons, a monsoon, and an xp. My xp is about 3 yeas old and I hate it. It is a pain to program, the eyes are junk and had to up grade it with my own custom system, the entire unit and pump stand is built out of very cheep stainless steal that is rusting out at an unbelievable rate...
  5. B

    Vac hose color and size

    I use 1.5" black hoses with swivels on both ends. They are much lighter, flexable and much easer to use. I don't have problems with them pluging up.