Search results

  1. K

    Futura Vehicle Wash Systems

    Futura introduces its groundbreaking vehicle wash system, heralding a new era in automotive care. This innovative technology combines efficiency with environmental consciousness, utilizing advanced water-saving mechanisms and eco-friendly cleaning agents. Futura's system ensures a meticulous...
  2. K

    Considering Card Only Self Serve Car Wash

    Managing a card-only self-serve car wash, without cash or quarters, streamlines operations and reduces the risk of theft. It enhances efficiency, as customers can easily pay with cards, eliminating the need for on-site cash handling or change machines. This modern approach also aligns with the...
  3. K

    Car wash business with a Full Time job

    Running a car wash while working full-time may be challenging due to time constraints, but hiring staff or implementing automated systems could make it feasible. Consider the workload and logistics to ensure effective management. The time required for a 4-6 bay car wash typically ranges from...
  4. K

    Error 16 on rowe change machine

    Experiencing an "Out-of-Service" mode with error code 16 on your Rowe Century C-2 change machine after successfully providing the correct change for various bill denominations is a perplexing issue. Despite changing the LED light, the persistence of the error suggests a deeper underlying...
  5. K


    hello to everyone and glad to be a part of this forum. My name is Karen