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  1. R


    Thats what happens when your customers use your vacuum to suck up gas from the back seat of her car!My helper and I were inside working when we heard a loud kaboom,I thought someone hit the building,so we ran outside and I see a woman running from her car with her gas can and the lid of my vac...
  2. R

    Cat pump seals (what a scam)!

    I'm on my second set in three year @ $370.00 per set for a 3545. I have just over 50,000 cycles on the pumps to date,but like I said this is my second set. The pumps work fine ,but dip and that drives me crazy. I alway oil the plungers and change the oil so it's not lack of maintance.What is...
  3. R

    Lift Master carwash door opener JUNK!!!!!

    Two and half years and $1500. later I need a new opener and no will stand behind this product.The thing is this opener really only gets used in the winter,but the soap is eating it up.Lift Master calls this a European Gearhead Carwash jackshalf ,I call it b*llsh*t NOT MADE FOR CARWASHES DO NOT...