Recent content by PDQ Support

  1. P

    credit cards not working on any of in bays

    splashngocornwall, As stated above, we are currently working on getting software and parts together to accept credit cards with chips in them. The Canadian units should be available beginning in January of 2015. Regarding the problems you are encountering with the revenue sharing software...
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    credit cards not working on any of in bays

    Credit card processor stopped supporting SSL3.0,on Nov 4th, this is the protocol which the Intrysnic controller in the Access units used for card processing. The software protocols effected is in the windows based operating system, not PDQ written software. All versions of...
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    Need PDQ help

    please contact PDQ Technical Support @ 1-800-227-3373.
  4. P

    Problems with LaserMinder on L4000

    ScottV, Please verify that the "car stuck in bay" timer is not set too low. If it were, the result would be an "auto return front eye" fault. If the vehicle did not exit the bay before the car stuck in bay timer expires, it would go into fault and then try to recover. It would get the auto...
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    PDQ M5 - Double washing cars before they exit

    "Side US" stands for the side ultrasonic sensors. These are responsible for the initial width measurement of a vehicle. They also determine when a vehicle has left at the end of the wash.
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    PDQ M5 - Double washing cars before they exit

    Double wash info The only thing I can think of is has to do with the door eyes: 1). Wired wrong 2). Door eyes are bad 3). Door eyes are positioned in direct sunlight (causing bad readings.) If you have the latest version of software (2.01.00), the doors should not close until it sees the exit...
  7. P

    PDQ Access Credit Card Reader

    Blake, Your old card reader was a 1st generation card reader PDQ. The second card reader in your pic is PDQ's second generation card reader. You can log into the Access unit and change your card reader to "IDTech Spectrum III". It is most likely set up currently for "IDTech spectrum" under...