Recent content by JohnF21

  1. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Hi-we are working on find Hi-the top portion is MONEX's fees, the network (small ticket) is charging the majority of the rest. Working on a resolution for you....hope to have the fix this week.
  2. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    We process thousands of debit transactions every day, it is true there may be very specific non-network cards that could pose a problem We've offered to help many times but you refuse to work with us which is ok, I am happy you have found a solution that works for you.
  3. J

    Monex Group

    We can now connect to vending machines using MDB protocol at all three levels.
  4. J

    Dencar self serve credit card system coming soon

    I wanted to address the comment about the MONEX chip reader not working, we generally don't have failures on our MONEX readers and we have 10,000 terminals deployed outdoors throughout North America. This does not mean there are issues, because all unattended payment readers encounter...
  5. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Hi all-any MONEXgroup client who believes they are experiencing abnormally high fees please DM me or contact your rep. We want to make sure your pricing is correct and you are happy with our agreement. There are many factors that can alter your statement to make it appear that you are paying...
  6. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    The credit card networks require PCI compliance. I cannot comment on the $600, that is very excessive and nowhere near our fees which are under $40 yearly.
  7. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Yes absolutely PCI compliant. Everyone must pay the PCI, it really depends on how the payment processor wants you to pay it. Some bury it in the other fees, others make it a line item in which case we do ($9.95 per quarter).
  8. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Hi there-The terminals retail for $595 ea. as mentioned plus the cost for a modem $300. We have in place an interchange plus system which is simple to understand whereby we add a percentage to the network's public interchange fees. The only other fees are monthly SIM fee (one fee per...
  9. J

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Hi there-I work for MONEXgroup and happy to address any concerns about fees. No reason why you should be paying 7%, please DM me with any questions should you have them.
  10. J

    NAYAX and ePort for Unitec Wash Select II (Self Service Bays coming soon)

    Nayax is a different company. DM me and I will provide you details on our reader.
  11. J

    Which Debit Card Readers are best ?

    A few points of clarification on MONEX. Our acquirer is TSYS (Global Payments), MONEX is the processor. It is not 9.95 per device, but rather 9.95 airtime that connects all devices, we do offer an extended warranty for $9.95 per month (optional) but would include support. 10 debit support fee...
  12. J

    NAYAX and ePort for Unitec Wash Select II (Self Service Bays coming soon)

    It can be done two ways, one you can integrate the reader with the pay station, secondly you can use the reader as the primary for any electronic payment methods. Customer walks up to the reader, preauthorizes the amount and this will activate the wash. You can change the amount remotely based...
  13. J

    NAYAX and ePort for Unitec Wash Select II (Self Service Bays coming soon)

    You can set the four charges directly on the device.