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Purchasing First Car Wash


Jul 31, 2021
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Hello All!

I'm not entirely sure where to start here so I may ramble a bit. I wanted to get a brief summary out of where I am in the process and make sure I'm on the right path through this process.

Many months ago, I reached out to a current owner via friend who owns the only local SS and touchless IBA for several miles. Our town is around 36,000 folks with quite a few visitors due to local sporting events, the local YMCA, bowling alley, restaurants, and league volley ball (all within 0.5 miles of the wash). We are in SE MI and near a medium sized city with ~250,000 folks not including the suburbs (obviously there are much closer choices than mine). The only other SS's are 4-6 miles away or more. The same owner has one touchless IBA at a gas station 3 miles away through a lease. Part of this purchase would include first right of refuse to take over that property in 3-5 years. There are numerous tunnel washes in the area, including an older one in town, a new Tommys (4-5 miles away), and several long standing local tunnel operators 3-6 miles away.

The wash has two original (2004) Mark VII (I believe) touchless units and 4 SS bays. There are a few vacuum islands, a broken detail vending machine, and two bill exchangers. The wash has appeared to be in somewhat of a decline for a few years now and has a poor reputation (at best) due to broken touchless equipment/poor washes. It has taken a beating on social media. The quarterly water usage also substantiates this decline. It sits on a smaller 0.75 acre property. The building appears to be in pretty good shape (block construction with split face) but it could use a little paint. There's some parking lot light replacement, seal coating, and minor landscaping that needs to be completed as well - which is being budgeted into the financing.

Based on conversations with the current owner, even currently revenue is doing ok and there is a lot of use. Now prices for the SS are on the higher end for start up/continuation but they have CC readers (not sure on the type) and he is claiming $6+ average bay with revenue above $1600/month per bay. The touchless IBA prices are very low - highest wash is $10. We will be raising prices but offering a superior product when things are completed. I believe this owner charges $12 or $14 at his Laserwash 360 location. Part of this process is obtaining all available financial records to review with my investing partner and lender, as well as the most recent bank appraisal. I am also having two vendors visit the site to do a walk down and provide costs for repairs/updates on equipment. We plan to use these items as leverage because more or less nothing has been done to the site in 17 years besides the bare minimum to keep it open.

Operations wise, we do plan on having at least part time daily help for cleaning and maintenance. I would be the primary "manager on duty" followed by my investing partner who lives 20 minutes away. I (and my father who is nearing retirement) are both very mechanically inclined and can handle most maintenance. We do want to select a vendor with superior support to minimize downtime.

Goal wise, we obviously want to pay the bills but do not plan on getting rich. I live in a smaller community that is close knit and big on local business support. I want to keep the business involved in the community by doing creative things such as fundraisers. We are very "forward" thinking investors and want to ensure the business has sufficient cash available, therefore part of our monthly expenses include setting aside future replacement funds (I think this is where a lot of people get into trouble). Is there a rule of thumb for future updates/equipment on how much down payment vs. financing? As of now, we plan on saving to have 100% cash available in ~10 years to upgrade later.

If anyone has the time or wants to, I can send them by assumptions and calculations for variable costs, fixed costs, and revenue. We will be sitting down with the lender to verify all of these items as well to ensure this transaction makes sense.

In terms of once the transaction is completed, there are planning to do several things:
1. Rebranding/naming - This is tough because the current name ties to the community and we do not want to loose that. I'm on the fence with advertising new ownership and equipment to keep the name or a very similar variation. The building colors coordinate with the school and mascot as well.

2. Basic outside updates (cleaning, touchup paint, painting the bays, lighting, landscaping, etc.). There may be a few other things such as one of the bay heaters that require repair or minor equipment repairs.

3. New LED sign for advertising (replaced old manual sign board).

4. Replace both IBA with new touchless equipment. This will most likely Washworld RZR with LED lighting and ability to do hot lava wax, Rain-X, etc. We are on the fence of if we can upsell ceramic coating to make it worth our while. Our goal price is $12 but we may try for $14 on the top wash. Local tunnels charge $18 for the top and $6 for the basic but offer those silly 2.5x prices for monthly passes. We do not plan to offer passes and would rather engage the community to drive business and support, such as a fundraiser with the local high school sports team. I'm very afraid of pricing myself out of business.

5. New roll up doors (old acrylic ones are falling apart).

6. Update pay station (Gold Line) to accept touch pay and loyalty app (We have not decided on a vendor yet). This would include new face plates to update them. They do currently have DAN.

7. Eventually consider further updates to the SS (touchless pay), repair/replacement of the onsite detail vending machine, and potentially adding credit cards to the vacuums/additional offerings at the islands. I would consider putting paneling into the SS bays and IBA as well in 5-7 years to update the look.

Overall, are we over looking anything? Any insight or tips on this? I know this was a lot but I wanted to get my ideas out to everyone to take a look and see...


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2014
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Ft. Worth
Brief summary???

I'll keep it brief for you:

What does it make in gross and net revenue? What is is the asking price?

Then we can look at everything above? Bc if the asking price is unreasonable for the revenue the wash is generating and the owner is unwilling to recognize it and come down on price...we're wasting time here...


Jul 31, 2021
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Brief summary???

I'll keep it brief for you:

What does it make in gross and net revenue? What is is the asking price?

Then we can look at everything above? Bc if the asking price is unreasonable for the revenue the wash is generating and the owner is unwilling to recognize it and come down on price...we're wasting time here...
Based on what I can find for water usage and some fairly conservative assumptions, the revenue is there. The ballpark price thrown out so far was well within what we believe to be reasonable (actually lower than we expected). This may be somewhat of a distressed sale it seems. Until we get the actually financials, we cannot be certain. We are however operating under the sense that it will make sense.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2014
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Ft. Worth
Well based on these assumptions then it sounds like you guys have a good 5 to 7 yr plan in place.

This business isn't hard, keep it clean and keep it working. At night keep it well lit new LED lighting all around and in the bays goes a long way.

Last year I bought a wash that was in decline, previous owner has had it for 20+ years. I acid washed the the bay walls and painted the roof and it made a huge difference. Added used equipment that I rehabbed and business is up 50%

With regard to your place I would freshen everything up first. A good deep power washing, replacing all the decals and signage, and make sure things are working good and plenty of soap and products in the bay.

Depending in your capital to throw at this I would start on the ss and vacs first then go to the iba. Assuming you have all the latest functions in the bay I would go to cc acceptance first.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
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Our town is around 36,000 folks with quite a few visitors due to local sporting events, the local YMCA, bowling alley, restaurants, and league volley ball (all within 0.5 miles of the wash).
IMO this doesn't really help you. You want residential around you. If you're within 1/2 mile of a McDonald's, you're golden (No pun intended).

Naming a business based on local school colors/mascot is always a good idea, especially if you run programs that benefit them. You will probably have to run it under a DBA.

Don't paint the bays if they aren't already painted.


Jul 31, 2021
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Well based on these assumptions then it sounds like you guys have a good 5 to 7 yr plan in place.

This business isn't hard, keep it clean and keep it working. At night keep it well lit new LED lighting all around and in the bays goes a long way.

Last year I bought a wash that was in decline, previous owner has had it for 20+ years. I acid washed the the bay walls and painted the roof and it made a huge difference. Added used equipment that I rehabbed and business is up 50%

With regard to your place I would freshen everything up first. A good deep power washing, replacing all the decals and signage, and make sure things are working good and plenty of soap and products in the bay.

Depending in your capital to throw at this I would start on the ss and vacs first then go to the iba. Assuming you have all the latest functions in the bay I would go to cc acceptance first.
The property needs a huge facelift. The red on the block needs to be touched up (top 6 courses), all of the vacuum tops are sun faded and no longer light up, most decals are worn off them, the detail vending machine does not work, the parking lot needs to be sealed, the bay signed as all missing or broken, none of the parking lot lights work, the IBA bays are growing trees and moss, the bays all need to be refreshed with paint or something, most of the bay signage is missing or damaged in some way, the spot free rinse does not work in any SS bay, the vacuums do not take credit cards...

The SS bays and IBA do accept credit/debit.

IMO this doesn't really help you. You want residential around you. If you're within 1/2 mile of a McDonald's, you're golden (No pun intended).

Naming a business based on local school colors/mascot is always a good idea, especially if you run programs that benefit them. You will probably have to run it under a DBA.

Don't paint the bays if they aren't already painted.
Can I ask why the bays shouldnt be repainted (they are in rough shape)? I know there are other products such as FRP or plastic paneling but i'm not sure we want to spend that kinda money now vs. spending it in 3-5 years.

We definitely aim to be involved in the community and plan to meet with the school to discuss fund raising ideas that benefit both parties. Therefore i'm really hesitant to change the name, even though it is tarnished.

The lease property we are asking for first right of refusal on is at a Kroger fuel center, with 5-6 fast places, 2 liquor stores, a walgreens, a rite aid, a tractor supply co, 3 banks, a dollar general, a credit union...and i'm sure i'm forgetting something. While not an ideal location, it seems to have done very well due to lack of competition. As it stands now, any and all property is being eaten up for residential use. We have very little comericial real estate remaining. A car wash is a special use variance that requires a significant process to obtain approval - I don't know of any where that someone would realistically place one. Again though, until we get the financials, we cannot be certain on how it is doing.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
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Can I ask why the bays shouldnt be repainted (they are in rough shape)?
If they're painted now, it's not a big deal to throw on another coat, just do the best prep you can. You'll find out why not to paint bay walls soon enough, it'll need to be done every couple years.


Jul 31, 2021
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If they're painted now, it's not a big deal to throw on another coat, just do the best prep you can. You'll find out why not to paint bay walls soon enough, it'll need to be done every couple years.
Totally agreed - they will need good prep and solid coat that will only last a few years. Our plan is in ~5 years, redo the bays with paneling of some sort when money allows. I'm on the fence of doing it now for the IBA simply because of all of the wall mounted equipment. It's a lot harder to move that type of stuff than it is to move signage and a few brackets in a SS bay.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2014
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Ft. Worth
Post some pics of this wash...trees and moss growing in the ibas....I thought my first wash was in bad shape looks like you have me beat.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
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I'd really like to tile the walls of mine, been thinking about a light color 24 x 8" wood grain ceramic tile.


Jul 31, 2021
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Post some pics of this wash...trees and moss growing in the ibas....I thought my first wash was in bad shape looks like you have me beat.
I will get some photos once we get further along the process. My banker was on vacation last week so he is going to review the NDA this week and we will hopefully get the financials by the end of the week. The first photo below shows where things are at...

I would love to go this route, but it's a huge upfront cost. Painting will be the easy out for the time being, but i'm town on the IBA and having to rework everything to install panels down the road..

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2015
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out west
Put up the DelPro. I just did so in my tunnel and would never entertain paint again. Maintenance nightmare


Jul 31, 2021
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Put up the DelPro. I just did so in my tunnel and would never entertain paint again. Maintenance nightmare
What drove your product choice Was Delpro the most economical? Installation for them seems easy and would probably be something I self performed after the IBA is demo’d and prior to the new IBA. The SS could be done one at a time but it would be quite the cost for 4 bays.


Active member
May 22, 2010
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I'd really like to tile the walls of mine, been thinking about a light color 24 x 8" wood grain ceramic tile.
Some of the new ceramic plank flooring tile they make now days looks really nice. I have seen it used on walls. I wonder how it would hold up in a carwash?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
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Some of the new ceramic plank flooring tile they make now days looks really nice. I have seen it used on walls. I wonder how it would hold up in a carwash?
I've seen a number of car washes with floor tile on cinderblock walls. It holds up well, but it helps to have a tip protector on the wand to prevent idiots from chipping it up. Mounting stuff on it can be a challenge. Signage is easy, outdoor double-stick tape. Drilling it for holders and mat clamps is hard to do without splitting it, and if you ever need to move something you leave exposed holes. Gotta save a bunch of spare tiles.