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  1. OurTown

    Goldline crypto pay retrofit
  2. OurTown

    Goldline crypto pay retrofit

    I don't see that they offer a retrofit kit with a tap unit. It looks like you have to add that.
  3. OurTown

    You should consider posting this in the self-serve forum section as I don't think many people...

    You should consider posting this in the self-serve forum section as I don't think many people read these Profile Posts.
  4. OurTown


    It will waste chemical if it is strong enough to work.
  5. OurTown

    Goldline crypto pay retrofit

    We installed the Goldline swiper kit in 2017 and added the regular tap in 2020 to one unit. We did have a few minor issues here and there. One did involve Hamilton and Cryptopay pointing fingers at each other. The funny part is I can't remember what the issue was but was resolved. We pulled the...
  6. OurTown

    Is Etowah valley equipment still in business?

    For years Jim has not been good about getting back with quotes. I just call parts instead but sometimes they are busy and don't answer. You can leave a message but are wasting you're time as the guy probably won't call back. Just keep calling back later in the day or the next day until he...
  7. OurTown

    Environmental Inspection Scam - GRS Group

    Okay. I read your original post again. If they didn't find anything in their research or have any issues with your site then why are they asking for a phase 2? If your lender read the report and sees no issues but still demands the phase 2 then I guess it's time for a new lender.
  8. OurTown

    Environmental Inspection Scam - GRS Group

    They probably found during their research that there used to be something like a dry cleaner or metal plating company on the property or next door and they need to verify the dirt is clean. Will the bank accept another phase 1 (or phase 2) from another environmental company that might cost less?
  9. OurTown

    Cyrptopay card Reader

    That's a new one for me. If a person swipes a card and it doesn't have enough money in the account the bay will start for a few seconds. It's confusing for a customer because they think there something wrong with our equipment. It would be nice if Cryptopay would put a start delay in the...
  10. OurTown

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    Could the spots be one of your protectants?
  11. OurTown

    Tankless water heater for a IBA Razor

    Have you checked your water for hardness?
  12. OurTown

    Tankless water heater for a IBA Razor They are new to us but many on here have used them for years with really good luck.
  13. OurTown

    Tankless water heater for a IBA Razor

    Do you have over 50 psi water pressure to the water heater at all times? IIRC that brand needs that or may not operate correctly. Its possible that played into the short life. The Takagi units only need 15 psi to operate and those are the ones we went with.
  14. OurTown

    New Build 1 bay touchless equipment cost

    This thread is about the cost of a Wash World Razor touchless automatic installed. Is that what you are referring to or are you talking about self serve equipment? Are you talking about building a wash and installing the equipment?
  15. OurTown

    Cat 530 Vibration

    Yes it's possible because it has its own solenoid valves and plumbing.
  16. OurTown

    Facebook Messenger scam targeting business pages

    We have seen this message sent to our car wash messenger account three times in the last day or so. Ours said that we violated trademark rules and our page is scheduled for removal. Don't click on the link in the message. If it was truly sent by Facebook/Meta then they would have sent an email...
  17. OurTown

    Air logic or Air shammee

    Yes, fairly concentrated but if you use a good sealer/Rain-X type product/ceramic or even a wax first it only takes maybe four minutes to get a small car 90% dry. If you want it truly dry then it will take a really long time. You should try to find a wash that has them and try it for yourself...
  18. OurTown

    Is this Self Serve a Good Buy ?

    OP stated that the current owner has had it for 6 years.
  19. OurTown

    Tankless water heater for a IBA Razor

    Are you running soft water through the one for the SS bays? That seems like a pretty short life span.
  20. OurTown

    Photo Eye Sun Shield

    We never have that issue because ours are inside. I bet the hose could be trimmed along the bottom effectively turning into a hood.