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  1. M

    Water Wizard 1.0 running full track on every wash

    Boom drops OK in contours with the car it’s just that it runs all the way to the end of the track and then comes back when even if the short car is there
  2. M

    Water Wizard 1.0 running full track on every wash

    Our Water wizard 1.0 is washing vehicles and going full track length on all of them. The can IRs seem to be fine. Any other suggestions?
  3. M

    Coleman Water Wizard 1.0 stops during wash, help ideas!

    I appreciate the input just don’t know if after 35 years running 2 carwash locations then sell one a few years ago that I want the debit of a new automatic . a few more runs like this and I might however!
  4. M

    Coleman Water Wizard 1.0 stops during wash, help ideas!

    Thank you for every ones ideas. Coleman Tech support has no interest in really offering good support for a machine that's 30 years old so how is one to earn enough money to buy a new automatic if the old one is down, Ask the fellow members who have been dealing with this beast from the start...
  5. M

    Coleman Water Wizard 1.0 stops during wash, help ideas!

    Will the end of proxies causes to stop in the middle of a wash? I have replaced the rear one, but the lights and everything appeared to be working on them correctly.
  6. M

    Coleman Water Wizard 1.0 stops during wash, help ideas!

    This is a video in short
  7. M

    Coleman Water Wizard 1.0 stops during wash, help ideas!

    So we have a WW one that has been running for many years. We are having an intermittent issue. We’re on any of the four cycles. It will be washing the car, then stop mid car and exit the program or go to the rear of the car and turn on spot free and go to the front, sometimes the boom will come...