Recent content by Wash4Life

  1. W

    Replacing "STOP" with "PAUSE" on Self Serve Decal?

    I don't believe anybody's customers would be smart enough to read past STOP.
  2. W

    Self service car wash equipment

    I myself am happy with Ginsan. For credit card processing, we use Cryptopay. Personally, I would recommend having an in-bay automatic.
  3. W

    Touchless or Friction?

    I would go with touch-free. You have three choices when it comes to your competition 1. Be less than (should never be taken) 2. Be better than 3. Be different then With the competition, I feel #3 is the way to go.
  4. W

    Need all new equipment, everything !! Bought a closed down car wash in Pasadena, Texas

    It's tough to get a good return on investment from buying just a self-service wash. The items are low ticket, and many people over the years have migrated to getting a machine to do all the washing. It's not by accident that few pure self-services are being built these days. In fact, it's rare...
  5. W

    Whats the difference between iba, & express

    No, express car washes do have attendants. Someone has to load the vehicles onto the conveyor. I do know of a place that has an unattended conveyor tunnel (not of the express variety), and I have no idea how he can do that without confused customers and lots of property damage. With regard to...
  6. W

    Memberships/Customer Information

    What Ed wrote applies to us. As for getting their information, we have forms they fill out. If someone does not want to leave contact information, we do not force the issue. We use the info to contact them if their payment does not go through. That is what we do with our IBA touch-frees. We...
  7. W

    HELP! newbie in Michigan

    Bingo. I know a big full service chain in my area that opted to end a relationship with a contractor they used for building. They went with someone inexperienced, and it was a disaster for a good while. They started calling subcontractors of the contractor to redo and thus fix the problems.
  8. W

    Do any Kiosks facilitate credit card surcharges?

    I don't believe a surcharge for credit card customers at a pay kiosk would work out well. People are not smart, and I see there being a lot of confusion and anger over different pricing for the same things. Even smart people can get angry or confused because of the way our business is designed...
  9. W

    Vacuum Question

    Just a guess here from a guy who is not mechanically inclined, but it looks like the JE Adams variety.
  10. W

    Car wash signage suggestions?

    I.B. makes a lot of sense to me. If you do choose to go that route, I like #2.
  11. W

    IBA Membership experience data

    Same here.
  12. W

    Price Increase

    We notify our members when we increase prices. When we raised our per car customers last time, which was the same time as the membership, we did use signs for the first times ever. I would have preferred not to, but my dad did. It didn't hurt anything. Raising prices the last time was the...
  13. W


    Is this an express exterior? If so, I would say a lot of the income would leave that site.
  14. W

    IBA Membership experience data

    We have touch-free IBAs, and I would say we have an average of four washes per month per customer. In comparison, we have a friction tunnel where the average is two. I find that people do drop memberships and sign back up. Overall, I'd say the biggest reason someone leaves permanently is...
  15. W

    Dumpster almost killer me

    Glad you're okay.